Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tattoo Care & Tattoo Removal

Do's and Dont's of Tttoos:  
  • There are certain do's and dont's  of tattoos that you should keep in mind before tatooing your body:
  • Tattooing should be done with a sterile needle.
  • Check for disposable ink bottles to minimize risks of infection.
  • The tattoo artist should cover his hands with latex gloves.
  • Remember to dab Vaseline on your tattoo with a disposable instrument.
Tattoo Care: 
  • Apply olive oil on the tattooed part for a period of seven days.
  • Avoid a hot shower or bath at least for one week after tattooing.
  • Do not splash chloranted water on the tattooed portion.
  • Avoid sun baths for at least a week after the tattoo.

Tattoo Removal: 
            You can remve your tattoo if you wish to, but this needs to be done in consultation with a physician. Some of the most popular techniques for removal tattoos are dermabrasion, salabrasion and laser.