Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tattoo Care & Tattoo Removal

Do's and Dont's of Tttoos:  
  • There are certain do's and dont's  of tattoos that you should keep in mind before tatooing your body:
  • Tattooing should be done with a sterile needle.
  • Check for disposable ink bottles to minimize risks of infection.
  • The tattoo artist should cover his hands with latex gloves.
  • Remember to dab Vaseline on your tattoo with a disposable instrument.
Tattoo Care: 
  • Apply olive oil on the tattooed part for a period of seven days.
  • Avoid a hot shower or bath at least for one week after tattooing.
  • Do not splash chloranted water on the tattooed portion.
  • Avoid sun baths for at least a week after the tattoo.

Tattoo Removal: 
            You can remve your tattoo if you wish to, but this needs to be done in consultation with a physician. Some of the most popular techniques for removal tattoos are dermabrasion, salabrasion and laser.      

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Beautiful Feet

Everyone wants to have smooth skin and Beautiful Feet

Take 1 cup Lemon Juice, Cinnamon (for smell), 2 tablespoons (or less) olive oil, 1/4 cup of milk, and water you can make a wash that leaves skin refreshed and fragrant (the amount of water does not matter).

If you do not like the cinnamon smell you can replace it with another spice, perfume, or flower petals such as roses.

After you make it, you can put it in a tub were you can soak your feet or body.

Next dry your feet or rinse them with water and a MILD soap.

After a few weeks of doing this your skin will be silky smooth.

Wrinkle Remover

Green Thompson seedless grapes! It has one of the ingredients in those big time expensive wrinkle creams.

All you do is cut a grape in half and gently crush it on your face and neck. Make sure that you get the "crows-feet" and the lines around your mouth. Leave it on for twenty minutes or so and rinse with tepid water and pat dry.

Repeat every day and before you know it... those nasty old lines will be hard to find!Don't forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. And... eat veggies rich in Vitamin A, such as carrots, celery and spinach.
If you can, get 8 hours of sleep every night.

White Nails

To whiten your nails, try these:

* Use a common whitening toothpaste. Try scrubbing your nails with Pearl Drops, it's just as easy as achieving a pearly white smile and will take away any stains and shine up your nails.

* Soak your nails in water with lemon juice or lemon slices. The lemon acts as an astringent and will strip away stains. Once your hands are dry, you'll only need to put on a couple of coats of a clear topcoat

Monday, November 15, 2010

How Can Anti Aging Supplements Prove to be Anti Aging?

Why Anti Aging Supplements? The skin, it is the largest organ in the body and the first thing people see when they look at you. As we age, the skin is also the first part of the body that physically changes to show age, wear and tear. The choices we make early in life are the choices our skin will reflect later in life. Even though wrinkles may not begin to show until after the age of 30, those wrinkles began forming at birth. In order to prevent the look of wrinkles from showing a person's real age, anti aging supplements can help ease the effects of the environment on the skin.

The environment, the air all around us, is one of the major causes for wrinkles on the skin. These environmental factors include air pollution, sun rays, stress and water intake. Though many people simply view the skin as the protective layer from the outside world, the skin is actually a living, breathing part of our bodies. This organ needs to be cared for intensely to lessen the outward signs of aging.

Supplements, especially those with high levels of antioxidants, can stop the effects of the environment on the skin and even reverse some of the effects over time. This anti aging effect of supplements centers on the free radical damage done to the skin.

Free radicals are cellular byproduct from the environmental factors listed above. The free radicals build up in the body over time and cause some of the most common signs of aging. Wrinkles, fine lines and the likes can be directly related to the levels of free radicals in the body.

Antioxidant supplements help to reign in those free radicals and prevent them from multiplying at a cellular level. Slowly, over time, with the continuous use of antioxidant supplements, anti aging of the skin may occur. Those wrinkles may not appear so heavy and the fine lines less pronounced. But, the user of the antioxidants should note that the supplements will only work as long as they are taken regularly.

While many supplements positively affect the skin, antioxidants are the supplements that center their duties on those nasty free radicals that affect us all so much. Everyone has free radicals in the body, there is no way to escape their production, but, with the use of anti aging supplements like antioxidants, those free radicals do not have to have such a visible effect.

Anti Aging Benefits of Dead Sea Salts.

The Dead Sea salts contain 21 minerals all thought to exhibit anti aging properties. Of these minerals are magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, calcium chloride, bromide, sulphates, and water of crystal. The actual sodium content of the water is much lower than that of the oceans of the Earth. Normal ocean water contains 97% sodium chloride, but the waters of the Dead Sea only contain 12 to 18% sodium chloride. The rest of the high salt makeup comes from other salt sources.

When choosing the Dead Sea salts for their anti aging properties, there are two choices for the user. Trips have been set up through travel and health agencies to the Dead Sea for weeks of basking in the waters. Others use the traditional methods of Dead Sea products, lotions, baths, soaps, oils and soaks for use at home. Nearly every Dead Sea salt product will be used in conjunction with water, bath time and soaking.

Trips to the Dead Sea can be extraordinarily expensive; so, many consumers choose to use the available Dead Sea products for home use. The therapeutic and anti aging qualities related to the Dead Sea salts provide a renewal for the skin of the entire body and allow daily usage to keep the new and fresh look from fading away over time.

Due to the high levels of magnesium in the Dead Sea salts, the soaks are thought to increase the skin barrier functionality, reduce skin roughness, reduce skin inflammation and possible reduce other inflammations of the body. The skin effects related to the Dead Sea salts combine together to make the skin appear younger and more vibrant, thus the anti aging effects.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pearl powder is widely used as a treatment for acne!!!

Pearl powder  is a preparation of crushed pearls used in China for skin care, and in traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory and detoxification agent. In Chinese medicine, it is also used frequently as a relaxant.
     Pearl powder is a finely milled powder made from freshwater pearls, which contains a number of amino acids and several minerals. It can also be made from saltwater pearls. It is considered by its proponents to help improve the appearance of the skin. A typical dose is 1 gram of pearl powder taken by mouth, traditionally mixed into water or tea, twice weekly.It is widely used as a treatment for acne as it has a purifying effect on the skin and is good for sensitive skin and also effective at fading acne scars.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ayurvedic Hair Care

  • Apply natural shampoo made from amla ,shikakai , reetha to clean the hair.
  • Apply coconut oil or mustard oil and massage your scalp at least once a week.
  • You can apply different medicated oils like Mahabhringraj oil, Arnica oil and Amala oil on your hair roots to reduce hair fall problem.
  • Maintain a healthy diet . Your daily diet should contain green vegetables, fruits, sprouts and milk. You should also take proteins and vitamin A.
  • To stop graying of hair use an Ayurvedic preparation by mixing ingredients like bhringraj , black sesame seeds, corals and amala.
  • To increase blood circulation you can gently massage your scalp after hair wash. 
  • To increase your hair growth drink juice prepared from lettuce and spinach.
  • You can mix coconut oil with lime for enhancing hair growth. Application of green coriander leaves juice on your head is also beneficial for your hair growth.. 
  • There is another useful tip which can actually add shine to your hair . You can make a paste of boiled black bean and fenugreek to wash your hair.
  • If you have bald patches you can apply a paste of licorice to start hair growth again.

Hair Care Tips

  • Brush your hair on a regular basis before going to bed every night.
  • Never brush wet hair. This might cause the hair to stretch and thereby break off. Dry it with your fingers or try using a wide-toothed comb in substitute of a brush to remove the knots smoothly.
  • Always use a mild shampoo while washing your hair. The quantum should be very little but adequate enough to cover the hair entirely with lather. Don't forget to use a conditioner to keep the hair manageable.
  • Restrict blow-drying your hair. The process of blow-drying is harsh on hair as it robs it of moisture.
  • Never use dyes. Try using mehndi (henna) as a conditioner and a coloring agent as well.
  • Go in for a calcium supplement or else try to have two glasses of milk in a day.
  • Always hold hair dryer away from your hair. Direct air from the hair dryer down hair shaft and not directly into the roots and keep it moving.
  • After a perm, never brush your hair. Instead comb hair gently.
  • Trim your hair once in 7 weeks to avoid split ends.
  • Avoid pulling back your hair tightly.
  • Never use a rubber band on your hair as it can pull and damage hair considerably.
  • Never go out in the sun without having your head covered.
  • Stimulate circulation by massaging your head with oil to which some vitamin E has been added. This will make hair soft and silky.
  • Never wash your hair with very hot or very cold water.
  • Learn to relax. Hair loss can happen because of stress. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B, C and E.
  • Add iron and minerals in the natural form in your diet.
  • If your hair is oily, cut down on fried food and fat. Drink plenty of water.

Monday, November 1, 2010

How to Prevent Acne?

Balance your hormonal levels
Acne affects you if your hormonal levels are not in a balanced stage. Usually during teenage your hormone shows its effects and you suffer from the marks of acne on your face, chest, upper arms, etc. Androgen is the culprit here. This male sex hormone triggers acne and when your hormones become haywire you find many difficulties in your body. These problems rise with numerous symptoms and acne is one of them.

Generally hormonal problems come with some symptoms such as sudden weight gain, weight loss, excess falling of hair and even irregular menstrual cycle for girls. If any of these difficulties disturb you the first thing you should do to check your hormonal profile with the help of your doctor. You can also experience acne signs if you are affected by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome that is known as POS where hormones create problems. So do not waste your time and just check your hormonal levels.

Tips for Natural Acne Care

Include fruits and leafy vegetables in your diet:
             Green vegetables and fruits are the best resource of nature in treating acne. Vegetables and fruits supply the body with required nutrition important for healthy skin. They also help in enhancing the resistant power of body and helps in fighting back with pimples. You can also apply paste of different fruits over the affected areas and use it in the form of mask. Fruits like apricot, melon, raspberry, avocado, grape and banana can be mashed in blender to make paste and apply as mask.

Essential oils:
           Herbal or essential oil is another natural acne care sans side effects. Essential oils come with healing and medicinal properties and thus treat the affected parts of your skin rapidly. One of the main reason of acne is excess oil production of sebaceous oil glands. When essential oils are infused into natural acne care, this excess oil flow is controlled and thus outbreak of acne is prevented.

Kitchen Remedy:
            The ingredients kept in your kitchen can help in natural acne care. Egg white is very effective in treating acne. It also helps in preventing further outbreak of acne. Mix few drops of lemon juice with egg white and apply all over the face. After the mixture sets in your face peel it off. Apply the peel before your bath and see the difference with in a month.

Acne Care

Care for Acne:
        Acne is one of the common skin problems that every one suffers at least once in their lifetime. But good skin care helps in preventing and treating acne effectively. Hormone secretion and other types of problems contributes in acne. Teenager mostly suffers from acne problem. However, adults might also suffer from acne problem due to hormonal problem, medicinal side effects and weather change. Acne may look small and harmless in beginning. But if left unattended it can mess your look with black heads, deep scars. Start with proper acne care and bid good bye to this skin problem forever.

Care for Acne Prone Skin:
       Being acne such a common skin problem there are various acne products available to treat the problem in an effective manner. You can also find different topical medicine with active ingredients like benzyol peroxide and salicylic acid. However, these medicines are prescribed by dermatologist when the problem of acne turns worse. You must remember that topical medicines have side effects and can last long. Thus, its use should be under strict medical supervision. Natural acne care is considered to be safe and effective. In natural acne care, only natural and herbal products are used. You must remember few points about natural acne care. It is time consuming affair that fights with acne problem right from its root. The second aspect is natural acne care must be followed on daily basis and you should try to make it a part of your daily skin care routine. Thirdly, you decide your natural acne care ingredients based on the type of skin you have and the reasons of acne.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Natural Oily skin care tips.

Freedom from blackheads:
For getting rid of blackheads, mix oatmeal paste, lemon juice and few drops of olive oil. Apply it on face and wash with lukewarm water. This is quite effective as it extracts oil from the pores, thereby reducing blackheads.

Problem of shiny skin:
Mix up some lemon juice with warm water and add a pinch of vinegar. Dab a cotton ball and apply over the face and neck. Let the skin dry after which you can apply any other skin care product. This helps in reducing the shine on skin, which looks and feels uncomfortable.

Applying make-up:
Use cucumber juice to take care of excessive oiliness. Apply the juice before makeup. Let it dry for sometime and then continue with your makeup.

Excessive oiliness:
Find a solution in clay and mud mask if your skin is very oily. Mix 1-teaspoon green clay powder and 1-teaspoon raw honey properly and apply the paste leaving the areas around the eyes. Fifteen minutes later, wash with warm water. For best results, repeat it 2-3 times a week.

Daily care:
Spare 4-5 minutes daily and follow this tip; mix equal amount of lemon juice and water. Then pat on your face gently. Let it dry and wash off with normal water or little bit warm water if possible.

Be careful about skin allergies. Discontinue use if these tips do not suit your skin type. Consult a skin specialist if necessary.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Top 10 Skin Care Tips

Are you puzzled with so many skin care tips pouring in from all quarters all the time? All of us want to have a glowing skin but in order to possess such a skin we need to give a little effort towards its care.Following these simple Top 10 Skin Care Tips is not difficult. In fact you don't have to run to the beauty stores and make a dent in your wallet to follow these simple skin care tips. So follow these top 10 skin care tips to pamper your skin. 

1. Do not get carried away with flashy cosmetic labels. It is better to understand your skin type before trying products and recipes.
Select a skin care product that is suitable for you. If you find it confusing, then you can also refer to our pages homemade beauty tips for skin care recipes you can prepare at home. 

2. Follow the goodness of "water therapy". Drink a lot of water as it helps to get rid your body of toxins.

3. Cleansing is very important and should be done on a regular basis. Often dirt and grime tends to accumulate due to the harsh environmental factors on the skin making it dull and lifeless in the course of time. Dirt and sweat also cause acnes and blackheads which make our skin look ugly. 

4. Do not scrub or exfoliate too hard. Be gentle on your skin and it will smile with health.

5. Whether you stay outdoors in the sun or indoors in air-conditioned rooms, your skin is prone to getting dry, so hydrate your skin from time to time by applying moisture. For oily skin individuals, using a mild moisture is a good idea.

6. Use sunscreen protection to guard yourself from the damaging UV radiations when you venture out in the sun. If you are allergic to cosmetic products try a natural sunscreen product instead. And wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

7. Excessive smoking and drinking can be very harmful for the skin. So quit smoking and cut down on drinking. Avoid coffee and try herbal tea instead.

8. Physical exercise is vital for having a great skin. So, make sure you include exercises in your daily routine and make it one among the Top 10 Skin Care Tips.

9. Too much stress is bad for your skin. So make sure you get adequate rest. Yoga is a great way to relax and delays the aging process. Remember to eat healthy too.

10. Treat your skin to a facial to rejuvenate it. The facial must include a massage to improve blood circulation and promote the growth of new cells.

Note: Before you try out any skin care product make sure you are not allergic to any ingredient used there.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

watermelon facial toner

How to make watermelon facial toner:
  • Take a knife and cut out a large piece of watermelon
  • Mash the watermelon section
  • Extract the watermelon juice
  • mix the watermelon juice with vodka and water in a bowl
  • Keep the toner in a container 
  • Refrigerate it 
  • This can be used for the next 10days
How to apply watermelon toner:
  • Gently apply this natural facial toner on your face with a piece of cotton ball.
  • First dip the cotton ball into the mixture
  • Then apply it evenly on your face 
  • Rinse it with warm water

    Sunday, October 10, 2010

    Tips For Anti Aging

    We all want to look younger forever. Without indulging into cosmetic therapy or plastic surgery you can look at least ten yours younger than your age by some simple anti aging treatments. The right anti aging products if used at the right time will leave you with a younger looking skin. In the modern world more and more women are opting for treatments through chemical peels, retinoids, Microdermabrasion, and antioxidants Following the correct anti aging tips can slow down the process of aging skin.

    The intake of Anti Aging Herbs in daily diet like Ginseng, Rhodiola and Maca can be very effective on anti aging. Let us check out how these herbs can help us:

    *This help in boosting the energy level thus by acting as an anti stress relevant

    *The herbs also help in strengthening the internal system of our body and increasing the resistance power against illness

    *The herbs are the safest to use as they are most natural with least side effects. You may be rest assured of being at risk of any adverse side effect as opposed to various chemical based medicines available in the market.

    Saturday, October 9, 2010

    6 Moves to Fight Greasy Skin

    Indian girls mostly have combination to oily skin. As the mercury rises the combination gets oily, and the oily gets oilier – unbearable. Added to the greasiness one is often plagued with problems arising out of extra sebum on skin – acne, blackhead, whitehead etc. Your genes, diet, stress level, medication and even your skincare regimen all impact the levels of greasiness on your skin. But cutting this grease is easy with good diet plan, right products, discipline, and definitely patience. Start by drinking lots of water, and eating citrus fruits. 

    Cause: Because of the hormonal swings of adolescence, oily skin is common in teenagers, but it can occur at any age. In general, skin tends to become dryer with age. During pregnancy and menopause, hormonal imbalances can also upset the oil balance and increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. Good news is that oily skin ages much slower than other skin types. 

    Cleansing: Avoid skincare products that leave your skin feeling taut and dehydrated. Cleanliness is a must for your skin type. Avoid the use of harsh soaps or cleansers. Use a pure soap with no artificial additives. Try using hot water as it dissolves skin oil better than lukewarm or cold water. While cleansing, massage your face well with your fingertips, using an upward and outward motion. Don’t rub soap into the skin; it can clog pores. Use a face wash meant for oily skin. 

    Avoid: Over cleansing your skin. Even if you want to, do not clean your face more than twice a day with a face wash. If your face feels greasy mid afternoon, just splash your face with cold water to tighten the pores. You can also carry a facial spray mist for instant freshness. You can even carry a oil blotting wipes in your purse to wipe off extra oil. 

    Moisturise: Use a gel based moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated, because even when you have excessive oil, you skin can look flaky due to loss of water from skin. Also protect your skin from the sun with a sunscreen gel since they are non greasy. Make sure the sunscreen is at least SPF 15. 

    Use oil-free makeup: Pick up oil-free makeup to avoid clogging of pores, and makeup meltdown. Use water-based products. Try mate finish foundation that also has oil absorbing particles. Powder-based colours work better than cream based colours for you. 

    Home therapy: Washing the face with gram flour helps a lot. A mixture of apple and limejuice applied for 15 minutes and washed with cold-water acts as a very good astringent. Cucumber and tomato mashed and applied to the face is very good for the care of oily skin. Apply it all over the face and neck, wait for about 10 minutes and wash with warm water. Rose water mixed with ice water and mint juice with rose water is excellent for oily skin care. Always remember, any application should be left on for at least 10 minutes before being washed. 

    Homemade skin care tips

    If you want to go with natural elements, choose some homemade recipes. To exfoliate the skin, take a tomato pulp. Mix it with rose water and honey. Now gently massage the face with this mixture. Leave it for a few minutes. Now wash the with normal water. Apart from facial skin, this recipe is effective for body skin too. It is also useful to treat acne and pimples. Enjoy the smooth effect instantly on the skin.

    Turmeric powder gives great glowing skin therapy. You may mix some turmeric powder with orange juice. This paste will make your skin glowing and supple. Keep the mixture on the face for 15 to 20 minutes. Now wash off the skin.

    Prepare a mixture using equal amount of lemon juice and rose water. Using cotton ball apply it on the face. This will help you to add glow and freshness to the skin. It is good as anti-acne remedy too.

    Friday, October 8, 2010

    Skin Care

    Skin care must be an essential part of your beauty regime and you should be very sincere about your skincare routine and follow some certain rules. However you should know all the skin care procedures properly. For some special treatments you should go to a reputed beauty salon and have a facial and skin treatment. Moreover only superficial treatments can’t make a skin glowing you also have to maintain a strict dietary routine. Living a stress free life is also important to have a healthy skin. Thus a little bit exercise or workout helps you decrease many problems regarding skin and health.

    Face and skin care

    Women always aspire for a spotless beautiful face and go on applying various products in order to make tem beautiful; however remember lots of face care products are available in the products and not every item is standard. Before selecting an item, go for a short market survey through internet go for the reputed brands. Also you must know your skin type because different products are made for different skin types. Also try some homemade masks for your face. They can be easily prepared though equally effective. Some effective home masks are as follows:

    Oily skin care

    An oily skin is pimple prone and thus needs some extra treatment. If you have an oily skin then you can prepare this homemade mask. Take the white portion of an egg and mix it with two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Mashed two strawberries and mix the paste with his solution. Now apply it to your face and leave until the paste dries. Now wash the face with lukewarm water. Do it once a week for better result. Persons having oily skin must avoid fried foods. They should also use mild body wash.

    Dry skin care

    Persons having dry skin must be benefited with this home made mask. Make a smooth paste with milk cream and multani mitti and apply it on your face. Leave it until it dries and wash with fresh cold water. People with dry skin should use cream soap. Furthermore, they must include lots of dairy products in their meals.

    Men skin care

    A man with a good physic always attracts. However a shining and glowing skin adds an extra charm to a man’s look. To get a problem free skin every man should follow a certain skin care routine. Take twice a day with a mild body wash and after that apply an herbal moisturizing lotion to your whole body. Persons having oily skin can use toner instead of a moisturizer. Regular shaving is also required. Choose shaving kit from a reputed brand. Long beard must be well maintained.

    Tips for all types of complexion and skin

    • Avoid junk foods and try to eat green vegetables and fruits in plenty.
    • Apply sunscreen or sun block lotion before going out.
    • Remove your make up with a cleanser after returning home.
    • Drink lots of fluids fruits juices and water.
    • go for natural remedies.